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Sproutlings News – September 18, 2017


Parents, as required by state, all children will be required to receive a flu shot by the end of December. Please return an updated immunization record to the office so that we can have it on file. Thank you so much!


We were in for a treat this week. We had homemade applesauce. It was delicious!  We even got to squish some around on our trays. Playing with pop beads has proven to be a challenge.  We will keep trying to put them together. Some of us are able to touch the decals in our wall.  It’s fun learning the names of the different animals.  Some of us can pick out the dog and cat.
Baby Shark ? made an appearance this week.  We have so much fun clapping and shaking to the song. Our book this week was The Biggest Apple Ever, and we sang “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.”


The Seedlings had a great time this week! We enjoyed working our fine motor skills by using sponge stamps to make different colored leaves.  We loved hearing the popping sound from our bubble wrap by driving cars on it! We even started to step on it to hear more popping sounds! We played with the parachute this week too. We hid underneath it, put beach balls on top of it, and helped make it go up and down.  We had fun playing with our matching leaves and apple games. We practiced matching small, medium and large leaves. It was fantastic singing “It is Fall” along with reading Old Hat, New Hat by Stan and Jan Berenstain. 

Little Sprouts

We had a blast this week learning about fall. We talked about how leaves begin to change colors and fall off trees during this new season. We read a book called I Love Fall and The Leaves Fall All Around. We sang songs such as “The Leaves are Falling Down” and “Five Red Leaves.” We filled our sensory table with silk leaves as well as real leaves! For art, we made leaf prints, painted with yellow and red (and learned that those colors mixed make orange), and created negative space leaves on white paper. For our fine motor and gross motor skills, we worked grabbing the sponges for the prints and finger painting. We used our science skills to learn how leaves breathe!


We have been buzzing with with excitement, laughter and and learning in the Beanstalks room this week! We are seeing fewer tears and more smiles as parents head out the door.  Friendships are occurring daily and our engaging routines help settle into requests for certain songs and play.
We have started our beginning of the year routines. The children learned all about fall and what happens to our environment as fall approaches.  With this in mind please remember a light jacket or sweater may be needed as cooler weather approaches. In science/sensory this week, our weather bottles were introduced. The children will pick which bottle represents our weather for that day and keep it in a spot of their choice.  We also added leaves to our sensory table to see what could be made using leaves, sand and cups.  They got extremely creative with this! In art, we painted maple leaves red and yellow which in turn made orange, colored a leaf and worked on our fine motor skills by tearing up tissue paper. In math, we worked on number order by counting leaves 1-10 and placing them in the correct order. We also have been continuing to sort our various counters by color as well.

We will be starting something called the “Beanstalk of the Month.” Every child will get the opportunity to make a special card or poster all about them….more details and a specific schedule to come soon!

Pre K 3

This week in Pre-K 3 we wrapped up our beginning of the year study. We discussed why we have rules and why they are important. We investigated the question “What can we do with our hands?” The class thought of many positive things they can use their hands for. In literacy, the class played the name game. They identified their name and their classmates names. The class read A World of Families by Trish Holland and Peeny Butter Fudge by Toni Morrison. In math, we sorted bears and counted how many were in each group. We used our counting skills to stack apples. As a class, we made Black Bean Corn Salad. We learned what goes in our salad. We took turns adding ingredients. Next week we will be kicking off our new study on trees!

Pre K 4

This week we concluded our Beginning of the Year Study. Our books this week were Charlie Anderson, Peeny Butter Fudge, and A World of Families. These showed us many different types of families and how they all have love in common. This week we discussed all the different things we can do with our hands. The class played instruments, built buildings, explored their sense of touch and cooked a delicious black bean and corn salad. We put in place all the final touches to make our classroom our own and are ready to begin our next study; trees.

In literacy, we focused on the letter C. We learned the proper way to write an upper and lower case letter and practiced on our handwriting chalk boards. We sorted objects ,finding those that started with the hard c sound. We created books all about ourselves to add to our classroom library. We explored the letters in our and our friends name in the “What’s Your Name?” game, guessing whose name was written down, revealing one letter at a time. We put together our first and last name with our name puzzles. In science, we learned about making predictions. We predicted what objects would be attached to a magnet then tested our predictions to see if we were right. Our prediction skills will help us with future experiments. In math, we worked on positional words. The class used clues to find objects all over the room. We used clay and other art materials to create sculptures, we discussed what shapes we created and what colors we used. The class used our measuring skills to get the correct amount of ingredients to make our black bean corn salad. Cooking is a great and delicious way to practice measuring.

Reminder- Our Pre-K 4 Back to School Night will be held on Tuesday, October 17th from 6:30-7:00. Please let Kerry know if you will need childcare. Thank you!